jueves, 12 de junio de 2008

Hasta siempre

Me duele que hayamos cambiado. Ojalá todo fuese como antes.
Ya no soy el mismo, ya no me amás como antes, ya no te amo igual.
En nuestras bocas ya no está la pasión de ayer, más bien las trivialidades de una estupidez cotidiana.
Te extraño, en mi corazón, en mi cama, en mi vida. Andá por la vida, cuidate, querete y se vos.

We're not the same dear as we used to be.
The seasons have changed and so have we.
There's little we can say and even less than we can do,
to stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you.

We buried our love in a wintery grave.
A lump in the snow was all that we made.
But we stayed by its side, as the days turned to weeks.
And the ice was getting thinner with every word we'd speak.

When spring arrived, we were taken by surprise
that what flows under our feet bled into the sea
and nothing was left for you and me.

We're not the same dear and it seems to me.
There's nowhere we can go with nothing underneath.
And it saddens me to say that we both know it's true.

Death cab for cutie, "The ice is getting thinner".